Половинчак Ю. - Ідентичнісні практики інтерактивного інтернет-середовища в діяльності сучасних бібліотек (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Polovynchak Yuliia

Identity Practices of an Interactive Internet Environment in the Activity of Modern Libraries

Abstract: Socio-cultural role and potential of library as social institution in the system of identity processes are analyzed. The main directions of its functioning as a component of this system are defined: the library as a symbol of the cultural identity of the nation; as fund holders, libraries are called to maximally reflect the spiritual and intellectual achievements of the nation; as a subject of identity practices. The paper highlights the peculiarities of the network environment as a space of self-identification and transformation of collective identities and the role of libraries in these processes. The basic identity practices in the convergent media space and role in their implementation of libraries are revealed, analyzed and summarized. The main approaches to localization of the national segment of the information and communication space, in particular, its interactive component, as the object of library deposit, are specified. The priority directions of activity of libraries on preservation of digital heritage of interactive space as a component of identity systems are investigated.

Keywords: library, identity, mass communication, identification practices.

Author(s) citation:

Polovynchak Yuliia (2019). Identity Practices of an Interactive Internet Environment in the Activity of Modern Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 35-48. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.035


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