ISSN 2224-9516 (Print)
ISSN 2224-9524 (Online)
Naukovì pracì Nacìonalʹnoï bìblìoteki Ukraïni ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo
General provisions
The editorial board of the scientific collection in its work is guided by the norms of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of education, scientific activity and intellectual property.
For publication in the collection are accepted articles of problematic, generalizing, methodical character, which are original scientific researches that have never been published before.
Editorial guidelines for professional science journals
- Editorial board accepts only articles that meet the requirements of the decree of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 №7-05/1 “On increasing requirements for professional journals on the ACoU list” (c.3), namely the articles that meet next requirements:
General setting objectives and its connection with important scientific or applied tasks; analysis of recent research and publications on the question at hand, and on which the author bases their article, highlighting of the previously unsolved parts of the WHOLE question on which the article is based; setting objectives; outlining the primary/principal/central/fundamental material of the research with full explanation of received scientific results; conclusions on the research and prospects of the further research in the given topic.
- Articles are published free of charge.
- Please include such information as phone number, e-mail address for the editorial board and the editorial office to contact you.
- The articles should include UDC; author’s full name; information about author (academic degree, position, affiliation, ORCID, Web of Science Researcher ID, Scopus ID, е-mail); title of the submitted article; short annotation in the language of the article (at least 500 signs) and key words (3-8).
- Length should be 12-15 pages. We prefer .rtf documents (Microsoft Word 7.0). Font: Times New Roman, 12 - point font size, line spacing - 1,5.
- Please enclose pictures as separate files; .*tif, .*jpg, .*psd. files.
- Please enclose charts as MS Word files.
- If the article contains specific fonts, the font files should be included.
- Sources should be inserted in square brackets. Bibliography list should be formatting in accordance to DSTU 8302: 2015 «Bibliographic References. General provisions and rules of drafting». Required digital object identifiers (DOI) assigned to scientific publications are referenced.
For international scientometric databases please include References after the Bibliography - The transliterated into Latin alphabet Bibliography. For transliterating Ukrainian language sources you can use the following link: (Standardized Passport Transliteration, KMU 2010), for Russian language sources – (Standardized Transborder Passport). References should be formatted according to APA (American Psychological Association Style). You can find information on APA on Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine:, also on
The author may set up the bibliography automatically in APA formatting on following sites: and Required digital object identifiers (DOI) are referenced.
- At the end of the article in English the author should submit the brief summary. It should contain the following: author’s full name; information about author (academic degree, position, affiliation); title of the submitted article; short annotation in the language of the article (at least 1800 signs) and key words (3-8).
The articles that do not meet the requirements are not submitted.