Ковтанюк Ю. - Про завдання для українських документознавців щодо створення стандартів "шрифтового оформлення тексту" нормативно-правових актів (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 69)Ukrainian English

Kovtaniuk Yurii

On Tasks for Ukrainian Documentary Scientists Regarding the Creation of Standards for “Font Formation of the Text" of Regulatory and Legal acts

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to reveal problems in the implementation of certain scientific and practical documentation tasks in the implementation of regulatory and legal acts on the example of the Law of Ukraine “On Law-Making Activitiesˮ, which leads to certain terminological, methodological and legal conflicts. The object of the research is the task for document experts, defined in the Law of Ukraine “On Law-Making Activitiesˮ. The research methodology is based on the structuring of the research object, the comparis on of the obtained components with the current regulatory and legal framework in various spheres of activity, the identification of similar, the definition of analogy with the established practice of solving similar tasks, and conductinga systematic analysis of the feasibility of performing the specified tasks and the consistency of these processes with the current regulatory framework. Conclusions. The preparation of normative legal acts, in particular legislative and, especially, of aninter disciplinary nature, requires a more balanced approach regarding the involvement of specialists on the issues raised in various areas of activity for their pain of highquality processing and avoidance of a number of characteristic shortcomings of a terminological nature, definition of the problem, methodology of its solution, funding and compliance with the procedures defined by the current legal framework in the relevantfields of activity, which will avoid, first of all, legal conflicts during the further implementation of such acts. For the successful and timely performance of tasks related to the preparation of standards for the font design of the text of a normative legal act, whichare used in its official publication or placement on the websites of subjects of lawmaking activity, determined by the plan for the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Law-Making Activityˮ, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine needs take the initiative to justify the need not to develop standards, but to prepare amendments to the currentregulatory legal acts on the application of a unified design code in terms of postingregulatory legal acts on web sites (web portals) of state authorities, not only subjectsof law-making activity, in accordance with the instructions of DSTU 4162:2020 and the established practice of posting digital copies of paper originals and copies of electronic management documents in PDF format, in particular PDF/A-1, and the styles of text information used on the zakon.rada.gov.ua web portal. Extend these requirements to all official documents. The question that text design concerns all document information in text form, and not only the requisite “textˮ of a management document, requires a separate justification. Guided by the same factors regarding the impracticality of preparing standards, but from publishing activities, in order to fulfill the task of font design of the text of a normative-legal act upon its official publication, in ouropinion, it is sufficient to prepare appropriate changes to the normative-legal framework on issues of official publication of normative-legal acts acts, in particular to paragraph 5 of article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraineˮ, paragraph 5 of article 52 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraineˮ and subsection 18 of paragraph 3 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 2. 2014 No. 228.

Keywords: national standard, legal act, publication on the Internet, official website, web portal, subject of law-making activity, official publication, font, text design, document information, DSTU 4163.

Author(s) citation:

Kovtaniuk Yurii (2023). On Tasks for Ukrainian Documentary Scientists Regarding the Creation of Standards for “Font Formation of the Text" of Regulatory and Legal acts. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (69) 273-290. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2023_69_20


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