Бондаренко В. - Бібліотечне дистантне обслуговування: розвиток термінологічно-поняттєвого апарату в умовах поширення інтернет-технологій (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 39)Ukrainian English

Bondarenko Viktoriya

Abstract: This paper investigates the scientific approaches to the formation of the terminology and conceptual apparatus of the distance service, analyzes its development and transformation under the influence of Internet technologies. Reveals the place of the terminological system of Remote service in the system of general library services and proposes a definition of Remote service from the standpoint of communication theory and Librarie’s operation as a universal information and communication industry.

Keywords: library, internet technology, library service, remote service, distant user, communication, information and communication technology.

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