Лямець А. - Відбір матеріалів в арабських бібліотеках: наукові розробки М. Альйана (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 40)Ukrainian English

Liamets Artem

Abstract: M. Alіan – a Jordanian library specialist, researcher and lecturer. He has been studying selection of library materials and other aspects of collection development in arabic libraries. M. Alіan supported the practical realization of written acquisition and selection plans. To create that realization he promoted the comparing of acquisitions reports from several different libraries, proposed the idea about «ideal indicators orfigures» for selection. M. Alіan was considering that the special committees and groups with the required specialists might estimate and evaluate library materials effectively. The researcher drew a special attention to a number of books which were not fully evaluated in the context of quality. M. Alіan offered to solve that problem for selectors using expert evaluation of other libraries, which had already acquainted with those publications.

Keywords: library materials, arabic libraries, selection.

Author(s) citation:
  • Liamets Artem (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)