Лопата О. - Сучасні тенденції та перспективи інформаційного обслуговування читачів періодичними виданнями (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 40)Ukrainian English

Lopata Olena

Abstract: The article outlines the modern tendencies and priority directions of library and information services to reader’s magazines periodicals, highlights issues application of the new information and communication technologies for operative information needs of readers and expansion spectrum of library services and amenities, in particular, of information exchanged through the use of Open journals Access. Consider the role of modern information technologies to work in a traditional library environment and identifies trends nearest transformation of library activities and information service of the reader’s periodicals, it is (except for heavy use environment of the Internet and all services the Web 2.0) software and hardware, which gives the user an Internet service that allows the use of web technologies for remote access to a particular resource (database, programs, texts, et celera); mobile services and the diversity of electronic documents (local and remote, new and depositary, et celera).

Keywords: information technology, scientific library, magazine, automated libraryinformation system, Open Access, remote services, mobile services, electronic documents.

Author(s) citation:
  • Lopata Olena (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)