Бондар Н. - Порівняльний аналіз філіграней вільнюських видань Євангелій 1575, 1600 та 1644 рр. як джерело з історії побутування паперу (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 40)Ukrainian English

Bondar Nataliіa

Abstract: The article deals with comparison of watermarks on paper of four Evangels, edited in Vilnius during the period of 70 years. The comparison is aimed to show the dynamics of paper market transformation, to discover the origin of paper, which was sold in Vilnius, to define quality and quantity characteristics of the paper. The analysis of paper of Vilnius editions of Evangel 1575, 1600 and 1644 confirms the narrowing of paper purchase territory to Vilnius and its suburbs. That is explained by gradual development and extension of local paper manufacture in Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Keywords: watermarks, watermark analysis of Cyrillic old-printed editions, the history of manufacture and usage of paper in Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

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