Добрянська Т. - База даних українських кириличних кодексів XVII ст. Інституту рукопису НБУВ (створення та перспективи розвитку) (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 40)Ukrainian English

Dobrianska Tetiana

Abstract: Highlights the basic problems of creating and prospects of development of an electronic database of Cyrillic manuscripts codex’s XVII c. (DB of Manuscripts XVII c.) at the Institute of Manuscripts of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU in library automation system ІРБІС-64. DB of Manuscripts XVII c., and Ukrainian particularly, has become an integral part of the future of general electronic database of Cyrillic manuscripts at the Institute of Manuscripts of VNLU of XII–XVIІ century.

Keywords: information systems, information resources, databases, Institute of Manuscripts VNLU, ІРБІС-64, Cyrillic manuscripts codex, codex description.

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