Горова С. - Специфіка бібліотечного комплектування в умовах активізації інформаційної злочинності (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 41)Ukrainian English

Gorovaya Svеtlana

Specific Library Acquisition under Activation Crime Information

Abstract: The main problems associated with actualization topics of cybercrime in connection with the active development of informational and telekomunikatsiynih technologies, access to the production and use of information resources in all people, including those who are prone to delinquency in the context of what appears such a thing as hacking, cyber-terrorism, which contributes to informational processes unlawful elements negatively affecting the development of the national information space of Ukraine. Today, information security interests dictate the need for continuous monitoring of all sources of information production, timely response to potential threats to information related to the introduction of the public circulation of the new information. Poor information on the content, harmful and dangerous for society to influence public opinion immediately after its introduction into the system of societal communication. With the new information modern information technologies provide opportunities for long-term impact of information on the subject of information attacks by promoting the introduction of relevant information to the database, including the library, the system informatsiynyh sovereign nation or state resources. Accordingly, this article discusses the characteristic manifestations of cybercrime in today’s information, the definition of its main threats to the information society development, for the acquisition of socially significant information resources of library collections.

Keywords: cybercrime, hackers , acquisition, information space, harmful information, library funds.

Author(s) citation:

Gorovaya Svеtlana (2015). Specific Library Acquisition under Activation Crime Information. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (41) 112-123. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_41_10


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