Удовик В. - Президентські музеї в країнах світу: особливості створення та принципи функціонування (2015)

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Udovyk Volodymyr

Presidental Museums Around the World: Features Organization and Forms of Creation

Abstract: The article highlights the issues of the presidential museums around the world, the establishment of standard forms for these components and the impact of political and historical traditions in the formation of museum collections. Presidential museums are integrated documentary resource as a set of memorial museum collections with archival and library collections, which enables reconstruction of the reign of a certain president and provides access to source-based research for his life and work, to determine its role in the development of the country. This form of operation various presidential museums, such as: presidential libraries-museums, presidential memorial centers, museums in the presidential administration and palaces. Presidential museums contribute to the reconstruction of political history and its popularization and broad knowledge of sections of the population. Although they do not cover the entire historical process, but over a period considering the life and career of President.

Keywords: president, museum , political history, presidential library.

Author(s) citation:

Udovyk Volodymyr (2015). Presidental Museums Around the World: Features Organization and Forms of Creation. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (41) 166-179. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_41_14


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