Пестрецова О. - Доступ громадян до офіційної інформації у діяльності сучасних бібліотек (2015)

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Pestretsova Olga

Access for Citizens to Official Information at Practice of Modern Libraries

Abstract: In this article considers the role and participation of libraries in providing access to the official legal information. Attention is drawn to the some aspects of legal informing in the context of e-government. There is an example of effective activity of libraries in the context of development of civil society in particular, the establishment of points of access to information of public authorities in libraries. This leads to the conclusion about the necessity of further improve the transmission mechanisms of legal information by libraries. Expanding channels of legal informing characterized not only a problems of availability of information in society, but also the developing ways and means of expanding the range of services in this area. It is noted that the accessibility and democracy is the defining characteristic of libraries in the system of political and legal informing.

Keywords: library, law information, official information, e-government.

Author(s) citation:

Pestretsova Olga (2015). Access for Citizens to Official Information at Practice of Modern Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (41) 180-188. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_41_15


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