Кулицький С. - Інформаційно-аналітична діяльність бібліотек - складова розвитку економічної аналітики (2015)

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Kulytskyi Serhii

Information-Analytical Activity of Libraries - Component Development Economic Analysts

Abstract: The necessity of scientific support for analytical work of the National Library in the economy is substantiated in this article. Its direction and implementation mechanisms are researched. On concrete examples show that scientific support include cognitive and organizational aspects of the analytical work. Cognitive aspects of analytical work include theoretical and methodological support of the study of systemic and sectors issues of transitional economy and scientific reflection of analytical activities. Scientific reflection aimed at obtaining reliable information for the analysis of the economy and is linked to the scientific organization of analytical work. It is shown how the organization of internal communications in the information-analytical unit provides effective analysis products.

Keywords: analytical activity (work), analytical product, information, communication, scientific reflection, scientific support for analytical activity (work), national library, pragmatic information noise.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Serhii (2015). Information-Analytical Activity of Libraries - Component Development Economic Analysts. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (41) 331-345. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_41_25


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