Гах І. - Моделі цифрових мереж інтегрального обслуговування в інформаційно-бібліотечному середовищі: відповідність сучасним вимогам (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 41)Ukrainian English

Gah Ihor

Models of Integrated Services Digital Network in Information and Library Environment: Compliance to Contemporary Demands

Abstract: Article is devoted to the development of multimedia network technology with the integration of services at the library in terms of implementation and expansion of interlibrary information space. This article analyzes the principles and techniques of functioning of integrated services digital networks, standards and protocols for data transfer in them. A general design process models ISDN and provide a rationale for this process. The advantages of digital networks, integrated services include: greater economic efficiency as compared to any other network, providing a wide range of service types by using only one line, ISDN compatibility with existing and building communication networks, the use of only digital transmission techniques, high reliability, due to the use of high quality standardized equipment, monitoring and control systems. The advantages of these networks are manifested most in the transmission of multimedia information by integrating its species. A wide range of integrated protocols to optimize the transfer of heterogeneous multimedia information (text, audio, video, etc.). Indicators of telecommunication networks need to be considered in the dynamics, as this area of activity is characterized by steady growth and expansion of the number and range of services, the cost of constant changes and the rise of service quality. The conclusions that further development of library space requires the introduction of integrated services digital networks. After all, they can improve economic performance by reducing the number of lines of communication.

Keywords: information and library environment, multimedia information, integrated services digital networks, data standards, data streams, network protocols, data security.

Author(s) citation:
  • Gah Ihor (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Gah Ihor (2015). Models of Integrated Services Digital Network in Information and Library Environment: Compliance to Contemporary Demands. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (41) 609-623. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_41_47


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