П’яткова Г. - Електронні книжки та електронні читанки (рідери) як засоби забезпечення відкритого доступу до знань та інформації (2015)

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Piatkova Hanna

E-texts and e-books (readers) as a means to guarantee free access to knowledge and information

Abstract: XXI Century rightly called information age. The rapid development of computerization has changed not only the way of life, but also a way of reading. The traditional (physical) book more and more losing its position, conceding newfangled gadgets.Using the power of modern technologies allow us to offer a new model of fund formation and organization to meet the information needs of readers.The term «e-book» has different meanings:1) electronic document or a printed version of the book in electronic (digital) form – digital content (e-text);2) an electronic device for reading – reader (e-book).Back in 1998 the United States began libraries provide free access to electronic books. The new service is free for the downloading of electronic texts for readers belonging to users, was introduced in 2003.One of the main tasks of modern research library should be the development of digital collections and effective management. In addition to mediating between the existing legal digital libraries open (free) and paid (licensed) electronic resources and users, leading libraries should create their own content through digitization of printed books from the library collection or creation of original electronic publications.In addition to legal paid and free electronic collections, there are free online library that can not be attributed to a completely legal. They are popular with those readers who can not or do not want to spend money for the right to read a book. So the problem of intellectual property, copyright and piracy has appeared.There is a public opinion that the validity of the author's rights should be limited to a period of 10 years and abolish the post-mortem period.The list of author's economic rights include the right to distribute the product, the right to a fee for use of the work, the right to use objects of copyright and related rights on the Internet and others. In countries with Anglo-American legal tradition called copyright copyright (literally – the right to copy).The idea of copyright, which arose in the early days of the industrial society, now that the transition to an information society has become a hindrance to the free dissemination of information worldwide.Copyright begins to be regarded as such that inhibits the development of mankind. There is an opinion that the restriction of intellectual property rights to the works establishes a balance of interests of the authors of these works and society. Radical supporters to abolish the institution of private property in the products of intellectual labor created Anti-copyright (Antikopirayt).

Keywords: e-text, e-book, reader, copyright, intellectual property, the right to information.

Author(s) citation:
  • Piatkova Hanna (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Piatkova Hanna (2015). E-texts and e-books (readers) as a means to guarantee free access to knowledge and information. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 308-318. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_27