Альмес І. - "Церковні книги" у Віцинському василіанському монастирі (за матеріалами інвентарного опису 1774 р.) (2015)

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Almes Ivan

«Church books» in the Vicyn basilian monastery (Based on the inventory of 1774)

Abstract: If some monastic book collections did not survive as single fund until now, or even been destroyed, especially valuable sources for the reconstruction of the monastic libraries are inventories. In this article the information potential of the inventories of monasteries in early modern period is regarded for example of the reconstruction of the content of the «church books» of the Vicyn basilian monastery. The fragment of the inventory 1774 is published for the first time. The most important part of any religious book collections are the liturgical literature, because without them the full life of prayer, which is the foundation of monastic spirituality, didn’t can be present. Usually the liturgical books are submitted as a separate group in the inventories – «church books» («xięgi cerkiewne»), it means that they were kept in the monastery church/churches. Actually the liturgical literature in the basilian monasteries in the last quarter of XVIII century is considered for the example of one of the monastery. In this period in Vicyn monastery was been the policonfessional composition of liturgical literature – Uniate and Orthodox publications, as well as the Roman Catholic Missal. In general, the monastery was fully equipped of the liturgucal books, and thus it was possible to conduct a full liturgical life.

Keywords: Vicyn Basilian monastery, monastic inventories, «church books», liturgical literature.

Author(s) citation:
  • Almes Ivan (Lviv branch of M. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)

Almes Ivan (2015). «Church books» in the Vicyn basilian monastery (Based on the inventory of 1774). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 365-378. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_32