Черниш Н. - Періодичні видання бібліографічної комісії Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка (1909–1939): тематико-типологічна характеристика (2015)

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Chernysh Nataliia

Periodicals of the T. Shevchenko Bibliographical Commission of the Scientific Society (1909–1939): thematic and typogical characteristics

Abstract: One of the most important directions of the activity of the authoritative scientific center – the bibliographic commission of T. Shevchenko Scientific Society (years 1909–1939) was its publishing work. The commission which during its existence had the aim to process thoroughly the multi-aspect complex of important in that time book issues (we mean the development of the national bibliography, the research of the history and theory of Ukrainian books, the design of different thematic indexes) became the initiator of starting of two outstanding journals – the cultural journal «Old Ukraine» (1924–1925) and the highly authorized professional journal «Ukrainian Book» (1937–1939). These journals in particular played an important part in the incipience of theoretical and methodological bases of the national book study, they encourages broad informing of Ukrainian community about the achievements of book scientists and raised the interest of the society to the book and book business. The journal «Old Ukraine» was published by both the museum and the library of T. Shevchenko Scientific Society. They published 24 issues, 5 of which had thematic nature (in particular, they were devoted to the memoirs, the memory of Kobzar, the anniversary of Ukrainian printing, etc.). In general the articles of the journal covered a wide thematic palette: historical and book researches, thoroughly processed bibliographic reviews, current information about book products, etc. We should mention that «Old Ukraine» reflected the most typical historical problems caused by the general thematic direction of this journal. The professional journal «Ukrainian Book» had different tasks and content respectively. In the complicated conditions of bans of book studies in under-Soviet Ukraine and closing down the famous and authoritative journal «Bibliological News», the journal «Ukrainian Book» became its only deserving inheritor. «Historical Book Science», «Library Science», «Art Science», «New Issues», «Reviews» – these headings combined wide subjects of scientific achievements of the scientists of the bibliographic commission and revealed the profoundness and originality of their researches, the maturity of conclusions and the prudence of generalizations. It is indisputable that the journals of T. Shevchenko Scientific Society proved convincingly the high European level of Ukrainian Book Science in the first third of the XXth century by their content and they have not lost their outstanding scientific meaning in the present conditions.

Keywords: the Scientific society named after T. Shevchenko bibliography commission, «Stara Ukraina» («Old Ukraine»), «Ukrainska Knyha» («Ukrainian Book»), bibliography, history of books, art of books, culture publishing.

Author(s) citation:

Chernysh Nataliia (2015). Periodicals of the T. Shevchenko Bibliographical Commission of the Scientific Society (1909–1939): thematic and typogical characteristics. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 499-519. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_43