Ціборовська-Римарович І. - Стародруки в книгозбірні Острозького єзуїтського колегіуму у фондах музею книги і друкарства м. Острога: книгознавчий та джерелознавчий аналіз примірників, історія надходження (2015)

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Tsiborovska-Rymarovych Iryna

The old-printed books of the Ostroh Jesuit College Library in the Museum of book history and printing in Ostroh: book-knowledge and source analysis of the copies and the history of the transfer

Abstract: Article covers the historical and book-knowledge aspects pertaining to the old printed books from the Ostroh Jesuit College Library which are now in the fund of the Ostroh Museum of book history and printing (45 copies). The vast circle of the investigators knew nothing about this group of books. The largest part of the College’s Library now is preserved in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: in the department of historical book collections as collection named «The Ostroh Jesuit College Library – 638 vol., and in the various book collections of the department of rare books – 30 vol. The Library stock encompassed books on church history and law, editions of the Bible and its commentaries, books pertinent to the history and activities of the Society of Jesus, theological works. A group of marginal notes from the library’s copies, which play a distinctive role for the research into the history of the Library, are elucidated in publication. In the College’s Library the books coming from the donation of the Princess Anna Heloise Ostrohska (1603–1654) can be found. Two volumes in the Museum’s collection have her supralibris on its book cases. The works donated from the Princess were chiefly religious books. The new learning about the museum’s books from Ostroh Jesuit College Library is a new step in the reconstruction of the College Library’s history. The integral part of the publication is a catalogue of the bibliographical specifications of the copies from the Jesuit Library.

Keywords: Ostroh Jesuit College Library, monasteries’ libraries, Ostroh Museum of book history and printing, book science.

Author(s) citation:

Tsiborovska-Rymarovych Iryna (2015). The old-printed books of the Ostroh Jesuit College Library in the Museum of book history and printing in Ostroh: book-knowledge and source analysis of the copies and the history of the transfer. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 520-542. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_44