Полтавець С. - "Козацький дискурс" як складова інформаційної війни (2016)

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Poltavets Sergey

"Cossack Discourse" as Part of the Information War

Abstract: The article devoted to the discourse of Cossack issues in the context of the information confrontation between Ukraine and Russia in the modern political history. «Cossack discourse» is presented from the point of view of its ideological, political and social components arising in the course of the information war. The article gives an analysis of specific examples of information aggression (de facto war) which originates from the times of Tsa-rist Russia, the USSR and is still implemented by the modern Russian Federation. It has been confirmed that the established tradition of the «imperial» perception of the world continues to prevail in the minds of the political elite of modern Russia. It is imposed in the form of myths and stereotypes of public policy and as a result it has an determining impact on the geopolitical strategy of the Russian Federation, and therefore on its informational and material support. It is concluded that the «Cossack» information field around which are still ongoing discussions and information war, can be called «the war of memories».

Keywords: Cossack discourse, information war, Cossack associations, the Russian informational aggression.

Author(s) citation:

Poltavets Sergey (2016). "Cossack Discourse" as Part of the Information War. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (43) 165-179. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.43.165


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