Половинчак Ю. - Стратегія дослідження соціальних медіа як дискурсивного простору (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 43)Ukrainian English

Polovynchak Yuliia

Strategy of Study of Social Media as a Discursive Space

Abstract: The article represents the actual problem of public media discourse and reveals its main features. Key indicators are offered for the exploration of communication on the Internet. The peculiarities of social media as the environment of formation and broadcasting patterns of individual and collective behavior, development of the discursive strategies and interpretative models are highlighted in the research. Development of certain models of interpretation and reinterpretation of meanings in the discursive acts fixes the identification which was revealed, at the same time influencing dynamics and the content of public consciousness, therefore influencing the process of formation of collective identity. Not the facts and events, but the subjective values and feelings which were broadcast on the Internet are the units of the analysis. The method of the included supervision – the researcher’s participation on the Internet communication of social media for the purpose to identify the discursive situations and texts which are important for the research (the data were collected during 2013–2016), methods of the discourse analysis and sociocultural interpretation of texts have been applied to the research realization.

Keywords: social media; social media analysis; markers (indicators); methods of the discourse analysis.

Author(s) citation:

Polovynchak Yuliia (2016). Strategy of Study of Social Media as a Discursive Space. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (43) 366-381. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.43.366


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