Кулицький С. - Методичні аспекти соціально-комунікативного дослідження фінансових відносин у науковій бібліотеці (2016)

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Kulytskyi Serhii

Methodological Aspects of Social and Communicative Studies of Financial Relations in the Scientific Library

Abstract: The article grounds feasibility of social and communicative studies of financial relationships by scientific library considering the transformational nature of today Ukrainian society. Such methodologies as Shannon-Weaver, Jacobson’s and Lotman’s models of communication, the «porter» model were used. The usage of models of communication allows to trace the relations between the information flows, codes and contexts of messages, and behavior of economic agents in Ukrainian financial market. The article shows capabilities of major research libraries as public institutions of social memory in social and communicative studies of financial relationships.

Keywords: bank, information, code, context, model of communication, scientific library, social memory, financial relationships, financial communications.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Serhii (2016). Methodological Aspects of Social and Communicative Studies of Financial Relations in the Scientific Library. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (43) 70-86. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.43.070


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