Закірова С. - Ціннісний потенціал символізму у правовій міжкультурній комунікації стародавніх суспільств (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 46)Ukrainian English

Zakirowa Svitlana

Value Potential of Symbolism in the Legal Intercultural Legal Communication of Ancient Societies

Abstract: The essence of legal communication as a form of social communication is analysed in the article, тhe structural elements of legal communication are characterized. At the early stages of the development of society and the state, social and legal communication had a high level of symbolism. An important place of communication in the ancient states were temples. Activities of religious institutions was simultaneously focused on the social, religious and legal communication. The study of the universal character of legal symbolism in the period of the formation of law as a social phenomenon was carried. It is proved the value of symbols and features of their use in the socio-legal communications ancient societies. Examples of the combination in legal communication of symbolism and the direct transfer of the formal legal prescription of the state are given. It is underlined that thanks to the use of symbols, not only the interpersonal group communication of contemporaries of certain events occurred, but also the communication of different generations and peoples of the world was possible.

Keywords: communication, legal communication, symbol, symbolism, ancient state.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirowa Svitlana (2017). Value Potential of Symbolism in the Legal Intercultural Legal Communication of Ancient Societies. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (46) 138-154. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.46.138


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