Кулицький С. - Створення бібліотечного інформаційно-аналітичного продукту з економічної тематики в умовах поширення інтернет-технологій в Україні (2017)

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Kulytskyi Serhii

Creation of Library Information and Analytical Product of Economic Subjects in the Conditions of the Spread of Internet Technologies in Ukraine

Abstract: The article justifies the approach to creation of library information and analytical product of economic subject, based on the use of the Internet and takes into consideration the historical continuity of economic development. This continuity is manifested in inertial nature of the transformation of social and psychological mechanisms that determine the functioning and development of economic phenomena and processes. The inertia of management psychology is studied in the case of Gazprom activity. Experience of creating library information and analytical product for a wide range of economic issues is represented. Extension of access to information sources through the Internet has made it possible to improve steel market research and deepen the perception of uncertainty situations in the oil and gas, and financial markets.

Keywords: library information and analytical product, Internet, internet technology, information, economics, economic processes.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Serhii (2017). Creation of Library Information and Analytical Product of Economic Subjects in the Conditions of the Spread of Internet Technologies in Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (46) 225-239. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.46.225


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