Миськевич Т. - Освітні послуги в бібліотеці: практика вивчення англійської мови в бібліотечних закладах США та України (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 46)Ukrainian English

Myskevych Tetyana

Educational Services at Library: the Practice of Learning English in the Library Institutions of USA and Ukraine

Abstract: The article investigates the intensification of the library work in searching of methods of improvement libraries effectiveness as social institutions that realize their activity not only through the formation of an information and cultural environment, but also through its direct participation in educational activities. The activity on overcoming the language barriers in Ukraine is considered as one of the actual directions of the activity of modern libraries. The experience of organizing educational events called to popularize English language is explored on the examples of system programs and local initiatives implemented in the USA and Ukrainian libraries. Libraries’ role and potential in improvement of English skills are covered. Features of functioning of traditional services as well as innovative forms of library work on facilitating study of foreign language by users are described.

Keywords: studying of English, knowledge of English, library language courses, library educational services, the language barrier.

Author(s) citation:

Myskevych Tetyana (2017). Educational Services at Library: the Practice of Learning English in the Library Institutions of USA and Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (46) 358-367. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.46.358


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