Бойчук М. - Використання бібліотеками ВНЗ мережі Facebook як платформи наукової комунікації (на прикладі діяльності НБ НАУКМА) (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 46)Ukrainian English

Boichuk Mariana

The Use of the Facebook Network by the Universities’ Libraries as a Platform for Scientifi c Communication (on the example of the Activity of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» Library)

Abstract: The introduction of the library environment technology Web 2.0 enabled the appearance of library pages in social networks, and also brought communication with consumers to a new level. The innovative tendencies in the library and information production in the context of the Facebook page of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» Library are considered, and it is proved that the library’s network representation functions as a communication channel connecting scientists of all levels, and also promotes followers’ personal professional growth.

Keywords: social networks, Facebook, scientometric databases, scientific communication.

Author(s) citation:
  • Boichuk Mariana (Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Boichuk Mariana (2017). The Use of the Facebook Network by the Universities’ Libraries as a Platform for Scientifi c Communication (on the example of the Activity of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» Library). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (46) 515-526. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.46.515


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