Рудакова Ю. - Видання без вихідних даних друкарні Львівського єзуїтського колегіуму XVIII ст. у фонді Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського (2017)

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Rudakova Yuliia

Editions Without Publisher’s Imprint of Lviv Jesuit College Printing-House of 18th Century in the Funds of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Abstract: In the article parameters which are used for attribution of editions without publisher’s imprint are defined. Among them there are: bibliographical indexes and printed catalogues; typographical material, such as fonts, elements of decoration, publisher’s marks and so on; data from the title, especially in panegyrics that have long titles with information on addressees and addressers of the text; imprint data of coupled edition. For bibliological study in the funds of hand-printed books and rare editions department of VNLU 16 editions of Lviv Jesuit college printing-house of 18th century without publisher’s imprint were chosen. An attribution of these editions needed to be done. The complex of printed materials is quite informative in attribution of Lviv editions without publisher’s imprint, especially panegyrics, decoration of which is more luxurious than decoration of other works. At the same time, the majority of engraved initials, head-pieces and tail-pieces make a collection of decorative elements, widely spread in editions of Lviv Jesuits. Hence, elements of decoration are typical for editions of printing-house in question. These elements may be used as quite reliable sources for defining the place of printing of editions without publisher’s imprint. The article contains also bibliographical descriptions of revised editions, placed in chronological order. There are also some images of decorative elements, frequently used in Lviv Jesuit college editions.

Keywords: old-printed books, attribution, Lviv Jesuit college printing-house, editions without publisher’s imprint, publisher’s imprint, elements of decoration, headpiece, tail-piece, initial.

Author(s) citation:
  • Rudakova Yuliia (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Rudakova Yuliia (2017). Editions Without Publisher’s Imprint of Lviv Jesuit College Printing-House of 18th Century in the Funds of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (47) 177-193. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.47.177


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