Ціборовська-Римарович І. - Видання роману Ж. Ф. Мармонтеля "Інки або знищення держави Перу" з фальшивими вихідними даними: факти, гіпотези, аналіз друкарських особливостей примірників (2017)

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Tsiborovska-Rymarovych Iryna

Edition of the Novel "The Incas or Destruction of Peru Impire»" by J. F. Marmontel With Fake Background Details: Facts, Hypothesis, Typographical Analysis of the Copies

Abstract: In the article, for the first time, on the basis of the analysis of typographical particularities of the copies from the stocks of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and Stefanyk Lviv’s National Scientific Library of Ukraine, the real place of printing of the novel «The Incas or Destruction of Peru Impire» by J. F. Marmontel with fake background details «w Lwowie, 1794» was attributed. The book-science investigation including book ornament proved that this edition was published in the printing-house of Barefoot Carmelite Friary in Berdychiv. Bibliographical specifications of 10 copies of the volumes of the edition mentioned above stored in the Ukrainian Libraries were presented in the publication.

Keywords: counterfeit edition, fake background details, printing-house of Barefoot Carmelite Friary in Berdychiv, cloistral printing-house, typographical analysis, book ornament.

Author(s) citation:

Tsiborovska-Rymarovych Iryna (2017). Edition of the Novel "The Incas or Destruction of Peru Impire»" by J. F. Marmontel With Fake Background Details: Facts, Hypothesis, Typographical Analysis of the Copies. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (47) 231-244. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.47.231


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