Принь О. - Наукова співпраця вчених-механіків С. М. Кожевникова і Дж. П. Ден Гартога через призму епістолярної спадщини (До 110-річчя від дня народження С. М. Кожевникова), Принь М., Дегтярьов С. (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 47)Ukrainian English

Pryn Olekcandr, Pryn Maruna, Dehtiariоv Serhii

The Scientific Cooperation Between the Mechanicians S. M. Kozhevnikov and J. P. Den Hartog in Their Epistolary Heritage (to the 110th Anniversary of S. M. Kozhevnikov’s Birth)

Abstract: This work continues a series of publications devoted to relations between Ukrainian scientists of the Soviet period and their foreign colleagues. The authors have analized the correspondence between Ukrainian mechanician Sergei Kozhevnikov with a famous American scholar Jacob Pieter Den Hartog. The correspondence between the scientists represents a set of eight letters that have survived to this day and are deposited in the Archival Institute of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in the fund number 290. The correspondence between two leading scientists allows to trace the beginning and the development of scientific cooperation between mechanicians, to supplement the knowledge about the history of science in Ukraine, to disclose issues of everyday life in the scientific community.

Keywords: Sergei Kozhevnikov, Jacob Pieter Den Hartog, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, United States of America, the scientist-mechanic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Author(s) citation:

Pryn Olekcandr (2017). The Scientific Cooperation Between the Mechanicians S. M. Kozhevnikov and J. P. Den Hartog in Their Epistolary Heritage (to the 110th Anniversary of S. M. Kozhevnikov’s Birth). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (47) 314-321. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.47.314


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