Поперечна Л. - Представництво в соціальних медіа як корпоративний медіапроект сучасної бібліотеки, важливий чинник її іміджевих комунікацій (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 47)Ukrainian English

Poperechna Lidiia

Representation in Social Media as Corporate Media Project of Modern Library, an Important Factor of its Branding Communication

Abstract: Library, an Important Factor of its Branding Communication In the article, which is applied in nature, the approaches to the construction of the network communication (as a part of branding strategy, algorithms of communication processes and administration activities for the support and the development of a corporate media project of an official library representation in social media) are based on the scientific researches and practical experience in the field of the use of social media in the system of branding communication of modern libraries. The public purpose of modern libraries is providing the multidimensional social communications, the important component of which is branding communication. The efficiency of branding communications and their positive substantive content particularly depend on the clearly defined communication strategy, maturity of administrative decisions in their implementation area, informed choice and deliberate and active use of means and tools of communication interaction. Social media, as dominant communication channels in the society, have transformed the mission of libraries presence in virtual information environment, and set up the new goals and objectives towards the effective organization of communicational interaction with target audience. Social media become increasingly popular marketing and branding communicational tool of modern library, an integral tool of the online strategy and an essential factor of the successful management. System development and library coordination presence in social media is most effectively implemented in a media project format that has the corporate Mass Media characteristics and predicts the set of algorithmic procedures of the project work. The official representation of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine on Facebook is (a vast corporate media resource which is officially represented by the library web page and other separate departments web pages) an effective communicational tool, an important net channel for the branding information spreading by means of which the effective interaction with the target audience appears.

Keywords: social media, virtual library representation, corporate media project, branding communication.

Author(s) citation:

Poperechna Lidiia (2017). Representation in Social Media as Corporate Media Project of Modern Library, an Important Factor of its Branding Communication. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (47) 29-44. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.47.029


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