Литвинова Л. - Особливості використання положень законодавства про авторське право в діяльності бібліотек (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Lytvynova Larysa

Specific Features of the Use of Copyright Legislation in Libraries’ Activities

Abstract: The article touches upon the issues of normative and legal regulation of libraries’ activity on copyright protection. The ways of free use of works in the process of providing information to library users are described, namely: citing, reproducing for the purpose of education, training and private research. It is noted that any published work can be quoted, and only published can be reproduced. Reproduction is allowed only once, and citation is not limited to these limits. The preferential right of free use of works of the press by reproduction in one copy for restoration, replacement of the lost copies of the work is considered. It was ascertained that today no normative legal act in Ukraine establishes legal relations arising in the process of forming and providing access to electronic libraries. Some aspects of electronic libraries activity are presented. Attention is paid to such special objects of copyright as composite and derivative works. A number of questions of copyrights of the translator, the compiler, the author of the derivative or composite work are allocated. Some cases of copying, modification and decompilation of computer programs by user libraries have been determined. It was stated that the practice of applying the provisions of Ukrainian legislation on intellectual property in libraries just started. Therefore, libraries should ensure compliance with copyright requirements through the development and adoption of local regulations.

Keywords: copyright, library, use of the work, citation, reproduction, electronic library, related rights, computer programs.

Author(s) citation:

Lytvynova Larysa (2017). Specific Features of the Use of Copyright Legislation in Libraries’ Activities. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 156-170. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2017_48_13