Клименко О. - Базові засади імплементації міжнародних нормативних документів у діяльність наукових бібліотек України: термінологічний аспект (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Klymenko Oksana

Basic Principles of Implementation of International Normative Documents into Ukrainian Scientifi c Libraries Activity: Aspect of Terminology

Abstract: The issue of implementation of international standards into the normative and methodological basis of Ukrainian scientific libraries activity in conditions of modernization and intensification of the domestic information and communication space is examined. The definitions of the terms «implementation», «harmonization», «adaptation», «unification» and the main properties of these concepts are drawn up. The entry of informational resources of domestic scientific libraries into the world information space requires optimization of the regulatory base in accordance with international standards and is an effective tool for regulation of library and information sphere. The implementation of international standards is particularly relevant in prospect of integration of our state into the European legal space and the need for the national implementation of the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement. Determining the essence of the definitions and the basic properties of the basic concepts of the introduction of international normative documents into activity of the scientific libraries of Ukraine is a methodical prerequisite for the reformation of the regulatory framework for scientific libraries operation and bringing it in line with European and international standards on the basis of pan-European values that would ensure the realization of human rights for free access to information, knowledge, involvement in the values of national and world culture, science and education. An analysis of the terms «implementation», «harmonization», «adaptation», «unification», «standardization» for interpretation and lawful use, elimination of ambiguity and possibility of distortion has shown the existence of a strong pan-European foundation for the further development of normative and methodological basis for scientific libraries’ information activities. Study and drawing on progressive foreign experience will facilitate the transposition of the relevant provisions of the Ukrainian library legislation in order to achieve unity and integrity in general. In time of globalization, which determines all spheres of life, cooperation is deepened, therefore, our country faces a twofold task of integration into the world community, iIn particular, to use positive international experience with its whole arsenal of technological and managerial innovations for further optimization based on modification of the national library and information sphere by harmonization or unification with the legislation of other foreign countries, in particular the EU, while maintaining its own authenticity.

Keywords: libraries, standardization, implementation, harmonization, adaptation, unification, scientific library, international standard.

Author(s) citation:
  • Klymenko Oksana (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Klymenko Oksana (2017). Basic Principles of Implementation of International Normative Documents into Ukrainian Scientifi c Libraries Activity: Aspect of Terminology. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 184-201. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.48.184


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