Тарасенко Н. - Сучасні аспекти управління діяльністю бібліотек у середовищі соціальних мереж: теоретичне осмислення та узагальнення практичного досвіду (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Tarasenko Nataliya

Modern Aspects of Managing Libraries’ Activity in Social Networking Environment: Theoretical Understanding and Generalization of Practical Experience

Abstract: The paper deals with current practice of managing libraries activity in social networks and based on its analysis, substantiates the feasibility of introducing and benefits of using administrative standards for network representations servicing. It is determined that an effective tool to research modern practice of libraries presence in social networks is online questionnaire, through which one can analyze the activity of Ukrainian libraries in social network environment for availability of regulatory documents, level of awareness of library page administrators in technological processes supporting the network representation, to identify existing problems and to make constructive solutions. Summarizing and analyzing information obtained through the questionnaire could serve as a basis for developing of proposals, methodological recommendations, standard documents that would determine the optimal algorithm for creating and maintaining network pages of libraries and outline the approximate model of library representation in social networks. Among the documents regulating work, the decisive and compulsory for development of each library is to elaborate a strategy of library activity in social networks, provisions on the organization and policy of library presence in networking space, job descriptions of employees, who are responsible for administering these resources etc.

Keywords: administration of network representations of libraries, regulation of work in social networks, provisions on the management of library pages in social networks, job descriptions of library workers.

Author(s) citation:

Tarasenko Nataliya (2017). Modern Aspects of Managing Libraries’ Activity in Social Networking Environment: Theoretical Understanding and Generalization of Practical Experience. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 285-301. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.48.285


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