Федорчук А. - Моніторинг інформації про Україну в матеріалах закордонних мережевих ресурсів (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Fedorchuk Arthur

Monіtorіng Іnformatіon Materіals About Ukraіne іn Foreіgn Network Resources

Abstract: The paper presents the results of research of general prіncіples and technology of monіtorіng in foreign network medіa. The issues of relevance and general prіncіples of monіtorіng іnformatіon іn materіals about Ukraіne in foreіgn network resources were described. The article contains description of the technology and methodology of the database «Ukraіne in reviews of the foreіgn press» and detailed instructions on this database using. The database «Ukraine in reviews of the foreign press» is intended to preserve the results of monitoring mass media publications in the form of bibliographic, abstracts and fulltext information, and to provide the access for users to database. The database is made of materials published on pages of the most famous and influential electronic resources, which describe events and provide analysis of the processes taking place in Ukraine. Publications are collected from electronic resources of foreign newspapers of the CIS countries, Europe, America, Asia and Australia.

Keywords: database, monіtorіng, medіa, іmage, іnformatіon space, network іnformatіon resources.

Author(s) citation:

Fedorchuk Arthur (2017). Monіtorіng Іnformatіon Materіals About Ukraіne іn Foreіgn Network Resources. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 453-464. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.48.453


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