Полтавець Т. - Етнолінгвістичні процеси у вітчизняному інформаційному просторі як фактор суспільної безпеки (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Poltavets Tetiana

Ethno-Linguistic Processes in the National Media Space as a Condition of Public Safety

Abstract: In the article the interaction of politics and society is presented as a determining factor of the language development. The spread of Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in modern Ukraine is considered in the context of information confrontation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The current national media space is characterized by complex sociolinguistic processes, which include the mechanisms of influence of social and political factors on language, culture, communication and the development of bilingualism. Under the influence of modern information and telecommunication technologies, language became the most powerful means of manipulation. Ethnolinguistic processes in the information space of modern Ukraine depend on many factors. Firstly, an open military aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the fact that information war is its important component. Secondly, that the problem of Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism may be solved due to the consolidation of society to counter the actions of Russia in the national information space and national policy of popularizing of Ukrainian-language media product.

Keywords: Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism, media space, information warfare.

Author(s) citation:

Poltavets Tetiana (2017). Ethno-Linguistic Processes in the National Media Space as a Condition of Public Safety. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 741-755. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.48.741


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