Чернявська Л. - Проблема недопущення ксенофобії та дискримінації як складова інформаційної безпеки сучасного інформаційного простору (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 48)Ukrainian English

Cherniavska Lina

Problem of Non-Admission of Кsenofobo and Discrimination as C on stituent of Informative Safety of Modern Informative Space

Abstract: The article examines the role of libraries in the issue of the formation of tolerant attitudes in society aimed at preventing the incitement of xenophobia, discrimination, propaganda of intergroup enmity. Attention is focused on the fact that tolerance in the activity of libraries is an integral part of ensuring the information security of modern society and is aimed at harmonizing not only relations between different nations and cultures, but also socio-economic relations, relations between generations and representatives of different political views. Forms and methods of library work aimed at raising public awareness of the distribution of racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic materials through the Internet are displayed. Special attention is paid to young users of the network because of possible reception of information on racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic sites, and the potential risk that such sites present to them.

Keywords: tolerance, xenophobia, homophobia, information society, libraries in the information society, information and communication technologies.

Author(s) citation:

Cherniavska Lina (2017). Problem of Non-Admission of Кsenofobo and Discrimination as C on stituent of Informative Safety of Modern Informative Space. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (48) 796-808. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.48.796


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