Половинчак Ю. - Діяльність бібліотек із збереження цифрової спадщини інтерактивного простору (2018)

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Polovynchak Yuliia

The Libraries Activity for Cumulating the Digital Heritage of the Interactive Space

Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of expansion of library memorial and cumulative function in connection with the problem of creation, collecting, storage and providing access to the increasing volumes of information created in the interactive Internet environment. The accent is on the impact of the growth of audience involvement into production process of information and development of new types of mass communications – social media − on processes of information creation. The projects aimed at collecting, archiving and storing the information of the interactive Internet space, providing a complete or selective approach to the selection of information are considered. The relevance of fixing social media information reflecting modern sociocultural processes outside the framework of official discourse is proved. The discursive approach to archiving on the interactive information environment assuming articulation of information streams proceeding from the principles of the importance, informational content, representativeness, relevance is offered. The conclusion is drawn on strengthening of information, memorial and axiological functions of libraries in modern conditions.

Keywords: library, public consciousness, social media, information of the interactive Internet space, archiving of information.

Author(s) citation:

Polovynchak Yuliia (2018). The Libraries Activity for Cumulating the Digital Heritage of the Interactive Space. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (49) 123-132. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.49.123


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