Закіров М. - Взаємозв'язок політичного міфу і суспільного наративу в контексті еволюції соціальних комунікацій (2018)

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Zakirov Мarat

Interrelation of a Political Myth and a Public Narrative in a Context of Evolution of Social Communications

Abstract: The modern world is characterized by a paradoxical combination of rapid technological progress with the archaization of socio-political consciousness, which forms certain electoral moods and determines the conduct of targeted mass political actions. Analysis of the political myth is based on the established relationship of public narrative and myth as a reflection of mental and ideological preferences. Myth and social narrative as a special forms of interpretation and interpretation of historical and political reality are in dialectical connection. In its communicative function, myth and narrative fulfill the tasks of determining meanings, and not searching and establishing truth. The development of information and communication technologies contributed to the transformation of political myths and narratives into an effective modalities of implementation of geopolitical projects.

Keywords: political myth, narrative, information-manipulative technologies, social communication, political discourse.

Author(s) citation:
  • Zakirov Мarat (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Zakirov Мarat (2018). Interrelation of a Political Myth and a Public Narrative in a Context of Evolution of Social Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (49) 9-20. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.49.009


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