Закірова С. - Полемологічні виміри інформаційних стратегій минулого (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 49)Ukrainian English

Zakirowa Svitlana

Polymological Measurements of Information Strategies of the Past

Abstract: The article deals with the peculiarities of using information in the preparation for and conduct of military campaigns by ancient states. The relevance of using a polemological approach to the study of information strategies of the past are shown. The work analysis of ways and methods of using information during wars by statesmen and generals of the past is conducted. It indicated that influence on society through the creation and dissemination of certain information as a phenomenon of social life arose yet in times of the states of the ancient world. In the ancient world, information actions during military campaigns were considered military cunning. The main destructive components of the military tricks of the past were disinformation, propaganda or agitation as the ways of information using, precisely the same which are used in modern information war. The article shows that the military chiefs of the states of the ancient world through information strategies of influence practically embodied the modern methodology of reflexive control as a means of warfare.

Keywords: polemology, information technology, information warfare, information influenc, ancient state.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirowa Svitlana (2018). Polymological Measurements of Information Strategies of the Past. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (49) 21-33. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.49.021


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