Польовик С. - Іміджеві характеристики України на шпальтах зарубіжних видань: контент-аналіз (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 49)Ukrainian English

Polovyk Svitlana

Image Features of Ukraine in the Pages of Foreign Publications: Content Analysis

Abstract: The image of Ukraine created by foreign newspapers is analyzed, which are the sources of the information-bibliographic bulletin «Ukraine in foreign press reviews» of the Found of the Presidents of Ukraine of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The main thematic sections that form contours of the positive and negative aspects of the image of Ukraine on the pages of foreign publications are singled out. The problems of external coverage of image characteristics of Ukraine are determined, which allowed to clarify the question of the relationship between its image and objective reality. According to the results of content analysis, it was concluded that in the world the image of our state has a wide enough context: from negative in Russian and Polish publications, to loyal-positive – in Indian. This proves that there is a problem on the formation of a positive image of Ukraine on the world stage. This problem could be solved only applying effective methods of work with the world mass media in order to form their positive opinion on Ukraine, in particular, to invite foreign experts, leaders of states’ advisers and journalists to Ukraine on a regular basis, to arrange meetings with politicians, the third sector representatives, journalists, so that they could take an adequate view on the events taking place in our country.

Keywords: content-analysis, image of Ukraine, «Rzeczpospolita», «Rossiyskaya Gazeta», «The Times of India».

Author(s) citation:

Polovyk Svitlana (2018). Image Features of Ukraine in the Pages of Foreign Publications: Content Analysis. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (49) 34-43. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.49.034


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