Шлапак Ю. - Електронний підручник (посібник): стан і перспективи в Україні (2018)

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Shlapak Yuliia

Electronic Textbook (Manual): the State and Prospects in Ukraine

Abstract: At his time, the prominent Czech pedagogue J. Komenskэ considered textbook the most important means of learning and one of the main components of the educational process. In our time, the improvement of the educational process is promoted by information technologies, in particular, electronic textbooks (electronic manuals), its creation and use are actual for the modern school. Given the lack of uniform standards in Ukraine for the preparation of such electronic learning tools, its software, the process of creating electronic textbooks (electronic manuals) is rather complicated. Today, we can talk about students’ insufficient provision with electronic textbooks (electronic manuals) in Ukraine. The author of the article years earlier, having monitored the availability of electronic textbooks in Ukraine, came to the conclusion that in Ukraine electronic textbooks (electronic manuals) just on a limited number of disciplines are available. In particular, electronic textbooks have been developed and accessible, mainly on natural sciences (biology, chemistry), humanities (foreign languages), social (in particular, atlases on history). But once again, the choice is quite little. To date, somewhat more electronic manuals (electronic textbooks) have been developed, some are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and recommended for use in general educational institutions. This allows to suggest that, nevertheless, the Ukrainian educational sphere is moving (alas, at a rather slow pace) to other standards. The disappointing situation with regard to electronic textbooks (manuals), is due to (as mentioned above), first of all, the lack of a common approach to developing a methodology for conducting lessons, practical courses based on modern electronic learning tools. In addition, in Ukraine the choice of means of education depends not only on the information and pedagogical potential, but on their value and prevalence. To train modern high-level specialist, the educational process has to be built using new pedagogical and informational technologies, giving the maximum opportunities for independent, creative work (the teacher must be a consultant, supervise the learning process).

Keywords: electronic textbook (manual), network technologies, multimedia, character mode, voice mode, animation.

Author(s) citation:
  • Shlapak Yuliia (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Shlapak Yuliia (2018). Electronic Textbook (Manual): the State and Prospects in Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (49) 69-82. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.49.069


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