Закіров М. - Інформаційний супровід соціально-політичних реформ: теоретичний аспект і практичний досвід (2018)

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Zakirov Мarat

Informational Support of Social and Political Reforms: Theoretical Aspect and Practical Experience

Abstract: The paper presents analysis of international experience for developing recommendations to improve information support of reforms. An effective system of communication between government and society is an important factor in successful sociopolitical transformations and an effective mechanism for legitimizing reforms. The dissemination of information about real successes and achievements, the creation of a positive image of the country should be prioritized by the media. One of the most promising vectors for the deployment and deepening of information support for reforms is systematic work in the field of social networks as a special communicative space that provides quick feedback and the ability to mobilize society to solve specific socially significant tasks.

Keywords: informational support, social and political reform, «opinion leaders», positive image, public opinion.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirov Мarat (2018). Informational Support of Social and Political Reforms: Theoretical Aspect and Practical Experience. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 153-164. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.153


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