Симоненко О. - Наукове обгрунтування лідерства як одного з найважливіших чинників модернізації бібліотечної сфери (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Symonenko Оlena

Scientific Substantiation of Leadership as one of the most Important Factors in Modernization of the Library Sphere

Abstract: Scientific Substantiation of Leadership as One of the Most Important Factors in Modernization of the Library Sphere.The article highlights understanding of the phenomenon of leadership in scientific thought, at first time in the domestic library science presents analysis, definition and functions of library leadership. On base of a wide factual material covers the specifics of individual and collective, formal and informal leadership in the library field.The urgency of this study is that in the unstable periods of society development, the need for study and analysis of specific features of leadership is growing significantly. Indeed, during the periods of fundamental transformations in society and state, the role of leadership becomes extremely important. To date, it can be said that the institute of leadership has acquired a vivid political tone, but this phenomenon is quite clearly manifested itself in the library sphere. However, the study of the historiography of the problem of leadership revealed lack of attention to it by librarians. Library is a social institution that realizes its social functions, adapting to new social needs. In modern conditions of accelerated informatization, modernization transformations relate to all areas of library activity, affect all areas of the functioning of libraries and, first of all, communicative relations with the external environment. In parallel, an active organizational and technological update of the library system is carried out. The present time affects the specifics of the library's implementation of its functions, increases the social role of libraries in society; the range of information services and products that libraries offer to the population is expanding. More attention is being paid to the creation of factual and conceptual databases on social, legal, economic, local self-government, entrepreneurial activities, socio-cultural development of regions, etc. In the practice of libraries, analytical methods for processing information are introduced – information digests are being prepared, analytical collections are created based on text fragments of documents. Such changes are due to changes in user queries related to the growth of volumes of produced information on the one hand and the increase in the value of information – on the other.As practice shows, widespread implementation into the library practice of innovative techniques, technologies, products and services occurs not by itself, but with the active participation of leaders. Leaders, according to their status, first feel and understand changes, new social needs, due to their influence leaders can help accelerate the process of adaptation of the library institute to new realities, modernizing the activities of libraries. Thanks to the active work of library leaders in Ukraine, such a system-structural model of a modern library has been formed, which enables it not only to continuously improve it and to modify it, but also to maintain its creative and scientific potential. Thanks to the fruitful work of library leaders, the traditional library institution has been transformed from traditional library collections into integrated library-information, research and cultural and educational centers, which become not only the focal point of bibliographic activity in the country, but also the center for the development of a complex of scientific disciplines: librarianship, bibliography, bibliographic study. In essence, the institute of library leadership becomes another communication link between the library and society, which ensures timely adaptation of the library sphere to new conditions and social requirements.

Keywords: leadership, leadership library, library, collective leadership, personal leadership.

Author(s) citation:

Symonenko Оlena (2018). Scientific Substantiation of Leadership as one of the most Important Factors in Modernization of the Library Sphere. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 175-194. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.175


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