Аксьонова Н. - Законодавчі акти протидії поширенню дезінформації, фейкових новин в інформаційному просторі (міжнародний досвід) (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Aksjonova Natalia

Legislative Acts against the Distribution of Disinformation, Fake News in the Information Space (lnternational Experience)

Abstract: The article covers the informational influence of misinformation, fake news, false, false information as an instrument for loosening and destabilizing the political situation. These are issues in the field of information law that require regulation and systemicity, namely the lack of legal regulation of information exchanges on the Internet, social networks, which creates conditions for the dissemination of false, fake news that, with the help of a variety of manipulative technologies, threaten the security of the state, society, affect the consciousness of man, destroy the socio-cultural values of the people. It is also noted that one of the priorities of information policy at the state level is the legislative regulation of the mechanism for detecting, fixing, blocking and removing from the state information space information that threatens the life and health of Ukrainian citizens, promotes war, national and religious hatred, the change of the constitutional system. The importance of the adoption of state legislative acts for the protection of national interests, national security in the information sphere is noted. Examples of international experience in adopting laws against the dissemination of fake news and the application of regulatory and legal instruments for their implementation are provided.

Keywords: legislative acts, information influence, information space, international experience, national security, inaccurate information, false information, fake news.

Author(s) citation:

Aksjonova Natalia (2018). Legislative Acts against the Distribution of Disinformation, Fake News in the Information Space (lnternational Experience). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 241-255. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.241


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