Рибачук О. - Соціально-комунікативні технології Government Relations у системі інформаційних обмінів між громадськими структурами та владними інститутами (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Rybachuk Olena

“Government Relations” Social-Communicative Technologies in the System of Information Exchanges between Public and Government Bodies

Abstract: The article deals with the main mechanisms and specifics of the GR-technologies application in the modern social and communicative practice of public structures and authorities. The connections with the state in the context of construction communicative environment and space for dialogue between the subjects of public politics, and also functional intersections of interests of the subjects in the decision of socially important problems are considered. The effective methodologies of «government relation» in the management of communication in the «government bodies – society» system that promote their openness, transparency and relevance to public requests have been determined on the basis of analysis as well as functional approaches usage. It is proved that the GR communicative potential can be use by government authorities at the same time by ungovernmental organizations and businesses as technological resource for overcoming of social tension, adjusting of feed-back between society and government, bringing in of public to public politics realization.

Keywords: government relations, GR-technologies, relations with the state, social communications, information and communication technologies.

Author(s) citation:
  • Rybachuk Olena (National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management, Kyiv)

Rybachuk Olena (2018). “Government Relations” Social-Communicative Technologies in the System of Information Exchanges between Public and Government Bodies. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 271-282. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.271


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