Терещенко І. - Представлення інформаційно-аналітичних продуктів і послуг бібліотек у соціальних мережах (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Tereshchenko Iryna

Presentation of Information and Analytical Products and Services of Libraries in Social Networks

Abstract: The paper deals with the problem of library service adaptation to users’ needs in the conditions of globalization and Internet technologies spreading. The demands of modern users are transformed. The basic requirements are: mobility, multimedia, online access, and efficiency. Creation of a «mobile society» contributes to significant changes in the activity of libraries. Forms of libraries become more diverse. The experience of information and analytical departments of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in production of electronic publications and provision of wide access to their studies is covered. In general, information and analytical products of libraries can serve as the source of the most reliable information. Summarizing, among the directions of work of Service of the informative and analytical support for state authorities in social media it is possible to distinguish: focus on the development of online services, attracting new users; presentation of full-text materials (for example, monographic literature, scientific papers, information and analytical bulletins); providing thematic analytical materials on topical issues of public life; discussion of problems of library science; interactivity in the work of libraries and feedback to the user, more active offering of products and services and engagement in the discussion; improvement of the practice of using social media information for the preparation of information products of libraries. Consequently, libraries actively explore the prospects of using social networks, services and the main trends in the use of modern technologies today. This will provide new opportunities for the presentation and access to libraries, information providers and services.

Keywords: information technologies, globalization, library, informational and analytical products.

Author(s) citation:

Tereshchenko Iryna (2018). Presentation of Information and Analytical Products and Services of Libraries in Social Networks. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 388-399. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.388


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