Булахова Г. - Медіа-маркетинг у рекламній діяльності бібліотек (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Bulakhova Halyna

Media Marketing in Advertising Activities of Libraries

Abstract: The paper focuses on advantages of using viral marketing technology in advertising activities of libraries, the basic principles and components of viral marketing. The general features of viral marketing, requirements for effective distribution of viral content are highlighted. The main types of publications, which social network users are most likely to share, are described. It is substantiated that viral marketing in the network assumes, first of all, the presence of unique content that would be interesting to many people, a way of influencing the target audience, when the audience itself, liberately or deliberately, promotes a brand, product or service. The importance of high-quality content for the successful application of viral marketing techniques is emphasized. It is noted that such characteristics of social media as hypertext - the creation of hypertext (a set of related texts and references); multimedia - use of various sign systems (verbal, graphic, sound, photo, video, animation); interactivity (degree of interaction in the social network, polygamy), determine the work of library representation in social media as a promising trend in advertising libraries.

Keywords: library, advertising, viral marketing, library activity, content, unique content, viral content.

Author(s) citation:

Bulakhova Halyna (2018). Media Marketing in Advertising Activities of Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 509-517. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.509


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