Чуприна Л. - Роль бібліотек у підвищенні соціальної значущості інформаційних обмінів у соціальних медіа (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 50)Ukrainian English

Chupryna Leonid

The Role of Libraries in Increasing the Social Significance of Information Exchanges in Social Media

Abstract: The role of libraries in increasing the social significance of information exchanges in social media (based on the experience of the analytical units of V.I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine) is considered. The researches of the library scientists on this issue are analyzed. It is noted that the interaction of libraries and social media, which leads to an increase of social significance of information exchanges, takes place in such key areas as the presentation of libraries in social media and integration of its services, exchange of scientific information, participation in political communication and the processes of civil society formation in Ukraine.Among the areas which are key ones for enhancing interaction between libraries and social media, increasing the social significance of information exchanges in the SM, the following could be mentioned: further integration of library services in social media; production and provision of relevant information to users (thematic, structured); development of online services (first of all, ordering and receiving information through the network); improving the practice of using social media information for preparation of libraries information products; more active offering of information services, search of its user ‒ individual, corporate; further development of interactive library services; using of opportunities of social networks for the expansion of contacts with public organizations, state authorities and self-government; creation a comfortable cultural space in the library.

Keywords: interaction of libraries and social media, informational and analytical activity of libraries, V. I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Chupryna Leonid (2018). The Role of Libraries in Increasing the Social Significance of Information Exchanges in Social Media. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (50) 65-78. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.50.065


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