Фрис В. - Про особливості читання книжних текстів в Україні в XІ–XVIІІ ст. (2019)

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Frys Vira

Features of 11th–18th Century Book’s Texts Reading in Ukraine

Abstract: The author of this article pay attention to the question of data’s testimony about features of the and Early Modern Ukraine book’s texts reading. One had read a book aloud during Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period no matter of a reader was alone or some persons have heard him. The perception of content depends of the way of reading, so ancient authors had meant this circumstance while they have wrote texts. Contemporary scholar have remember about this feature and analyse the similar practice in premodern Ukraine. Both, the texts and ways of reading were brought to ancient Ukraine from Bizantium, so «to read» meant «to read aloud» during the long centuries. The analyzing of 11th–18th century texts shows that the practice of aloud reading really existed and spreaded around of manuscripts to printed books. There are direct and indirect references in ancient Cyrillic texts and marginal records about this phenomena. The way of the teaching of the aloud reading one can see in the 16th–18th centuries primers, as well as in ficttions till early 19th century.

Keywords: book’s text, codes, manuscript, old printed books, primaries, Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:
  • Frys Vira (Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine, Lviv)

Frys Vira (2019). Features of 11th–18th Century Book’s Texts Reading in Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (51) 157-169. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.51.157


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