Шпаргало А. - Попримірникова наукова каталогізація українських видань гражданського друку XVIII – перших десятиліть XIX століття (2019)

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Shparhalo Alіona

Сircumstantial Scientific Cataloging of Ukrainian Civic Font Printing 18 – First Decades of the 19th Century

Abstract: The article is devoted to Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine civil font editions collection cataloging. The collection elucidates the history of civil font editions publishing in Ukraine of late 18 – the first decades of the 19 century. General characteristics of Ukrainian civil font editions, the specifics of their thematic repertoire, and pecularities of copies from Old and rare books department are observed. The author observes history of first civil font printing houses in Ukraine, which operated in various provincial centers: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, Yelysavethrad (Kropyvnytskyi), Katerynoslav (Dnipro). The paper also highlights the history of the establishment of the Berdychiv Barefoot Carmelite printing house and the Pochayiv printing house of the Order of Saint Basil. The first Ukrainian civil font printing housewas founded in 1764 in Yelisavethrad (Kropyvnitskyi). Typography issued mainly provincial writing documents, while books were published rarely. The same fate was with established in 1793 on the basis of the Potemkin Marching Printing House civil font printing house in Katerinoslav, the machines of which issued only a few books. Since 1781 a secular printing house operated in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Manuals, historical works, and works of pupils of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy were published there actively. The most influential in the early period of civil font printing was the printing house of the Kharkiv University. It was represented by the works of professors of the University, artistic works, student speeches, manuals and first Ukrainian magazines – «Ukrainian Herald» and «Ukrainian Journal». At the end of the XVIII century civil font printing house was opened at the Black Sea Admiralty in Mykolayiv. In the printing house numerous educational manuals for the Navigator College, historical works and scientific researches were published. In general, in the specialized collection of the civil font printing of the Old and rare books department more than half of the publications printed on Ukrainian territory in the early period of the civil font printing are presented.

Keywords: civil font editions, book printing, civil font.

Author(s) citation:

Shparhalo Alіona (2019). Сircumstantial Scientific Cataloging of Ukrainian Civic Font Printing 18 – First Decades of the 19th Century. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (51) 189-200. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.51.189


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