Гришина Т. - Відображення розвитку українського письменства (1917–1943) у сучасних бібліографічних покажчиках змісту періодичних видань (2019)

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Hryshyna Tetiana

Reflection of the Development of Ukrainian Writing (1917–1943) in Modern Bibliographic Indexes of the Contents of Periodicals

Abstract: The review includes analysis of bibliographic indexes of the content of domestic periodicals published during the years 1917–1943 in Ukraine and in emigration. The article studies thematic sections that are included in the bibliographic manuals and discloses their content. The thematic sections that are included in the bibliographic manuals are described and their content content is disclosed. The research figures out achievements of the mentioned bibliographic publications and their role in the study of the development of the book business, library science and bibliography, and, in general, book science in Ukraine.

Keywords: bibliographical index, bibliography, library science, book science, «Bibliolohichni Visti», «Knyhar», «Knyholiub», «Knyzhka», «Ukrainska Knyha».

Author(s) citation:

Hryshyna Tetiana (2019). Reflection of the Development of Ukrainian Writing (1917–1943) in Modern Bibliographic Indexes of the Contents of Periodicals. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (51) 290-308. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.51.290


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