Бондар Н. - Орнаментика оправ книг Острозького єзуїтського колегіуму і загадки її міграції (2019)

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Bondar Nataliia

Ornamentation of Ostroh Jesuit Collegium Bindings and Mysteries of Their Migration

Abstract: In the article typical old-printed books of Ostrog Jesuit Collegium collection bindings are analyzed. Arguments on their local manufacturing, proved by similarity of impression ornaments, super exlibris of patroness A. A. Ostrozska and filigrees of Ostrog paper mill at end-leaves, are provided. The filigrees, found in six copies, are dated by 1630-1640es, which corresponds to inscriptions on the copies about their belonging to Ostrog Collegium. Two types of stamping, used in adjoining to Ostrog Jesuit Collegium book bindery workshop, are identified. One of them contains images of four Polish kings and queens in roundels – Sigismund I the Old, Sigismund II August, Bona and Elisabeth, and the date 1540. The second type of stamping is presented by geometrical pattern, made of diamonds and ovals. On basis of E. Lautsiavichius album of binding ornamentation, the usage of the first stamping type in different old-printed books bindings, not connected to Ostrog culture center, is observed. The identic stamping, which corresponds to the first type, on the binding of Kniga o Postnytstvi (The Book of Lenten) by St. Basil the Great 1594 from Ostrog historic and cultural conservation area Museum of book collection, is characterized. This stamping evidences that relevant binding tools appeared in Ostrog before Jesuit study center was founded. The issue of identification with use of stamping elements and other old bindings, in order to find remains of old V. K. Ostrozky library, is stated. The same ornaments were found at binding of copy from Franciscan monastery in Mezyrichia, near Ostrog. Later this copy appeared in Kyiv Pustynno-Mykilsky monastery. The transition of binding tools, used in Ostrog Jesuit Collegium, to Kyiv, then to Novgorod-Siversk and Chernigiv, and its further utilization in bindings of books with works of Lazar Baranovich and Ioannicij Galiatovsky, published by local printing-houses, is pointed. The attempt to relate transition of ornaments with Ioannicii Galiatovsky is made.

Keywords: old-printed books bindings, Ostrog Jesuit Collegium book binding mill, binding industry in Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:
  • Bondar Nataliia (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Bondar Nataliia (2019). Ornamentation of Ostroh Jesuit Collegium Bindings and Mysteries of Their Migration. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (51) 19-42. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.51.019


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